Acne and Homoeopathic Remedies

Acne is common human skin disease mostly found in adults during their teenage.Characterized by seborrhoea (red skin), comedones ( blackheads), papules (pinheads), pustules (pimples), nodules, etc.

Acne affects skin over face, the upper part of the chest, back where skin contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands.

Mostly, acne is seen in adolescents because of increased testosterone levels or androgens.

Causes of Acne:

Acne develops as blockages in hair follicles. Hyperkeratinization and formation of a plug of keratin and sebum is the earliest change.

  • Increased sebaceous glands, increased secretion of sebum is cause for acne.
  • Sebaceous glands are blocked by sebum, dead skin cells can cause inflammation forms pustules.
  • Increased testosterone increases the secretion of sebum that’s why acne common in young adults.
  • Acne increases during puberty and during menses.
  • Acne increases in hypothyroid, Cushing syndrome, PCOD.
  • Acne increases in pregnancy.
  • Acne increases in menopause due to decrease in estradiol , progesterone.
  • Propionibacterium is anaerobic bacteria causes acne.
  • Diet – high glycemic food, high sugar diet, milk products, chocolates, etc. causes acne.

Signs and Symptoms:

Acne includes seborrhea (increased sebum secretion), comedones, papules, pustules.Scars are formed by inflammation of dermis caused by acne by deposition excessive collagen formation in process of healing the wound.

Ice pick scars, car box scars,  hypertrophied scars are various types of scars. cystic acne.Pigmented scars are the result of formation cystic acne. They often leave an inflamed red mark.


Globally, 650 million people are suffering from acne. 40 to 60 per people are suffering from acne. Females are more affected than males.


Homoeopathy and Acne

Homeopathy for acne is different from conventional treatment in that a homoeopathic remedy is individualized to the person. Because every person is different, no single homoeopathic remedy will work for everyone. A remedy is selected based on a person’s unique set of symptoms, including (but not limited to) their acne symptoms. Therefore, seeking care with a homoeopathic healthcare provider will likely result in the greatest success when treating acne.

Below are just a few of the many possible remedies that homoeopaths consider for treating acne:

  • Hepar sulph: pimples that are very painful; they may feel like a splinter in the skin. Lesions are very sensitive to touch and possibly cold. They may cluster in crops on the forehead and tend to form pustules and whiteheads easily. Discharge may smell like old cheese. In general, the person may be very chilly and oversensitive to pain, touch, cold, and slight causes.
  • Calcarea sulph: severe cystic acne. Lesions persist in one place for weeks and do not heal quickly. Yellow, creamy pus drains for a long time. Unhealthy-looking skin with yellowish scabs. Pimples on the face and near ears and hairline. The tendency to infections of the sinuses, ears, and tonsils that persist a long time. Person may be warm-blooded and feel worse in warm rooms.
  • Kali bromatum: acne begins in the teen years and continues relentlessly into adulthood. Bluish, red pustules on the face, chest, and shoulders that leave scars, purple spots, or a depression in the skin. Pimples may have a depressed center or be painful, large red cysts with a white or yellow center. In females, the acne may be worse near the menstrual period. The person may have fidgety hands and feed, unpleasant dreams, restless sleep, and teeth grinding. They may be worse from warmth.
  • Pulsatilla: acne in young girls that is associated with the onset of puberty. Acne that is associated with the menstrual period (especially when the period is irregular or absent) or with pregnancy. The person tends to have little thirst; to be weepy and like comfort and consolation; and to be chilly but like open, cool air and gentle motion.
  • Silica: deep, hard cystic acne, like boils on the face, especially the cheeks; pimples often to do not come to a head or show pus. Pimples are very slow to heal and leave pitting scars. The person tends to get infections easily and frequently. They may be chilly with sweaty hands and feet. They may be fatigued and lacking in strength and confidence, while also being obstinate with fixed ideas
  • Sulphur: acne with very oily skin. Blackheads are plentiful. Pimples and whiteheads are very large but not that deep. The face, especially the nose, is generally affected and tends to become reddened. Pimples may be painless but itchy. The skin may be rough and worse from washing. The acne may also be worse from heat, before the menstrual period, and from eating fatty foods. (This remedy is especially indicated for rosacea, a reddening of the face that causes acne-like eruptions.

Acne in puberty:- puls, kali brom, bacillinum.

Acne rosasea:- carbo veg , calc silicata, psorinum,lachesis ,kreosote,mezerium,petrolium,sepia.radium brom.

Other Medicines:

  • LACHESIS:- Bluish purplish boils carbuncles- Black edges, blue-black swellings- Senile erysipelas- Cellulitis, varicose veins
  • BACILLINUM:- Ringworm, pityriasis, eczema of eyelids- Glands of neck enlarged- Skin complaints about asthma.
  • CARBO VEG:- Gangrene boils carbuncles, putrid ulcers- Blueness, ecchymoses- Burning pain, putrid discharges
  • PSORINUM:- Dirty greasy breaks in folds- Scaly eruptions over the scalp.- Unhealthy skin- Intolerable itching during the night.- Offensive discharges from eruptions, eruptions around nails.
  • SEPIA:- Ringworms , tinea, warts. herpes circinatus.- Rough, cracked skin in flexures- Ulcers on small joints- Itching not relieved by scratching.
  • NAT MUR:- Crusty eruption margins of hair, behind ears, the eruption in bends of limbs.- Eczema raw red inflamed eruption in hair margins.- Herpes about lips.


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