LD 29 Nerve and Sleep Drop LDD Bioscience - The Homoeopathy Store

LD 29 Nerve and Sleep Drop LDD Bioscience

LDD Bioscience

  • Rs. 145
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LDD Bioscience Ld 29 Nerve And Sleep Drops
The drops are used in complaints of sleep and loss of energy.

Uses of LDD Bioscience Ld 29 Nerve And Sleep Drops
Disturbed sleep patterns, insomnia leading to nervous exhaustion and restlessness, leading to over excitement.
Restlessness with loss of sleep
Action of Ingredients in LDD Bioscience Ld 29 Nerve And Sleep Drops
Ammonium brom : Cerebral congestion. Feeling of a band above ears.

Avena sat: Nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, Sleeplessness, especially of alcoholics.

Chamomilla : Drowsiness with moaning, weeping and wailing during sleep; anxious, frightened dreams, with half-open eyes.

Humulus lup : Nervous tremors; wakefulness, Drowsy during day. Dizziness with headache.

Ignatia amara : Very light. Jerking of limbs on going to sleep. Insomnia from grief, cares, with itching of arms and violent yawning.

Passiflora in : Restless and wakeful, resulting from exhaustion.

Especially in the feeble, infants and the aged. Insomnia of infants and the aged, and the mentally worried, and overworked

Valeriana off: Sleepless with itching at night and muscular spasm. Over-sensitiveness, nervous affections.

Dosage of LDD Bioscience Ld 29 Nerve And Sleep Drops
Take 10 drops in 1/4th cup of water 2 times a day or as prescribed by your physician.

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