LD 20 Neuralgia Drop LDD Bioscience - The Homoeopathy Store

LD 20 Neuralgia Drop LDD Bioscience

LDD Bioscience

  • Rs. 145
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LDD Bioscience Ld 20 Neuralgia Drops
Neuralgia is a stabbing, burning, and often severe pain due to an irritated or damaged nerve. The nerve may be anywhere in the body, and the damage may be caused by several things, including: aging, diseases such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis, an infection, such as shingles.

Uses of LDD Bioscience Ld 20 Neuralgia Drops
Help relieve neuralgic pains in various parts
Twitching of muscles with sharp pains.
Action of Ingredients in LDD Bioscience Ld 20 Neuralgia Drops
Cedron 4x: The great anti-spasmodic remedy. Cramping of muscles with radiating pains. Neuralgic pains relieved by warmth.

Colocynthis 6x: Sensation as if teeth seem too long. Tearing, shooting, and swelling of face. Agonizing pain in abdomen, causing patient to bend double, is most characteristic. Sensations; cutting, twisting, grinding, contracting and bruised; as if clamped with iron bands. Cramps, twitching and shortening of muscles.

Kalmia lat.3x: Pains shift rapidly, Neuralgia; pains shoot downwards, with numbness. Weakness, numbness, pricking, and sense of coldness in limbs.

Verbascum thap.2x: Facial neuralgia affecting zygoma, temporo maxillary joint and ear, Cramp-like pain in soles, right foot and knee.

Dosage of LDD Bioscience Ld 20 Neuralgia Drops
Take 10 drops in 1/4th cup of water 2 times a day or as prescribed by your physician.

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