Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental (Cream) Tooth Paste

Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental (Cream) Tooth Paste


  • Rs. 75
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Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental Cream (Tooth Paste)
It gives a lasting freshness & stronger healthier teeth. It is a medicated toothpaste which supports healthy teeth and gums. It helps to remove tooth plaque, controls bleeding, relieves swelling & sensitiveness of teeth & gums. Guards against common gums inflammation and bleeding, tooth decay. It makes the gum tissues healthy.

Uses of Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental Cream (Tooth Paste)
Bleeding gums
Strengthening teeth
Tooth decay
Tooth ailment

Ingredients of Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental Cream (Tooth Paste)
Plantago Q
Calendula Q
Calc. Phos. 3x
Azadirachta Indica Q
Staphysagria Q
Kreosote Q
Calc.Carb. 3x
Hekla Lava 3x
Calc. Fluor. 3x
Merc Cor. 3x
Specifications of Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental Cream (Tooth Paste)
Brand- Wheezal
Product name- Glow Bright Neem Soap
Ideal for- Both Male and Female

Benefits of Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental Cream (Tooth Paste)
It helps to fight germs and bad breath.
It helps to Tighten gums and strengthen teeth.
It helps to improve the bleeding of gums.
It helps to prevent toothache and decay of teeth.
It helps to cure Dental neuralgia, pyorrhoea, and gingivitis.
How To Use Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental Cream (Tooth Paste)
To be used on gums & teeth, brush properly 2 times in a day.

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