Dr. Reckeweg R 14 Nerve & Sleep Drops
Dr. Reckeweg R 14 Nerve & Sleep Drops
Dr. Reckeweg R 14 Known as Quieta
Dr. Reckeweg R 14 Nerve And sleep Drop
Insomnia and various disturbances of the sleep, superficial sleep, light sleep, sleeplessness, drowsiness in the morning, weariness during the day, vivacity in the evening. Nervous restlessness and over-excitement of the nervous system. Neurasthenia, consequences of mental conflicts of long duration.
Dr. Reckeweg R 14 Contains
Ammonium bromatum: Sedative action helping to relieve the restlessness and sleep complaints.
Avena sativa: General nervous weakness and sexual neurasthenia, consequences of mental overexertion. Convalescence. Sleeplessness in spite of lassitude.
Chamomilla: Effective in overstimulated nervous system with hypersensitivity. Uneasy sleep.
Eschscholzia: Sedative.
Humulus lupulus: General nervous exhaustion, neurasthenia, hypochondria, sedative.
Ignatia: Nervous exhaustion and irritability resulting from psychic afflictions of a depressing nature, following grief or worry. Egocentric solitude.
Passiflora incarnata: Sedative. Unrest and irritability of the nervous system. Mental and physical vivacity when trying to sleep, full of ideas, disturbed non-refreshing sleep
Valeriana: Light sleep, non-refreshing. Nervous weakness and restlessness.
Zincum valerianicum: Insomnia with twitching in limbs, nightmares, restlessness of the legs.
According to the acuteness of Symptoms, 3-6 times a day 10-15 drops of Dr. Reckeweg R14 in some water. Even after improvement, take 10 drops three times daily, for 2-3 days.Packing
Dr. Reckeweg R 14 is available in 22 ml pack