Aller Aid Tablets Bakson
Aller Aid Tablets Bakson
Aller Aid tabs by Bakson
Aller Aid tabs is usefull in upper respiratory tract infections
Runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes. Sinus congestion (Sinusitis). Fever and body ache due to allergies hay fever. Aller Aid Tablet, a homoeopathic combination, provides relief from hay fever without any side effects. Aller Aid Tablet causes no drowsiness or disturbance in daily routine.
Recommended in following Disease:
Associated Symptoms of Respiratory Disorders: Breathing difficult, shortness of breath, breathlessness or dyspnea, wheezing, apnea, heart diseases and lung diseases like COPD, Emphysema, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer
Fever(Pyrexia), Allergic Rhinitis, Acute Sinusitis, Chronic sinusitis.
Aller Aid tabs is Indicated in
Runny Nose, Sneezing, Watery Eys, Sinus Congestion and associated symptoms
Aller Aid tabs
Ferrum phos. 3x, Natrum mur. 6x, Kali. sulph. 3x, Kali. mur. 3x, Baptisia tinc. 4x, Bryonia alba 4x, Causticum 6x, Eucalyptus gl. 3x, Gelsemium semp. 6x, Sabadilla 6x, Eupatorium perf. 3x.
1 tablet, 4 times a day.
Aller Aid tabs is available in pet bottle of 50 tabs