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Arnica Ointment HAPDCO

Arnica Ointment HAPDCO

Regular price Rs. 70
Regular price Sale price Rs. 70
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Hapdco Arnica Ointment:
For Sprains and Traumatic Injuries

Arnica- It is useful for those resulting from injuries, falls, blows, contusions. After traumatic injuries, overuse of any organ, strains. A muscular tonic. Limbs and body ache as if beaten; joints as if sprained. Pain in back and limbs, as if bruised or beaten. Sprained and dislocated feeling. Itching, burning, eruption of small pimples. Crops of small boils (. Ecchymosis. Bed sores. Acne indurata.

Other Indications of Hapdco Arnica Ointment:
Joint pains
Injuries blunt
Bed sores
Hapdco ointments or gels are external applications used for external complaints. Oils and Ointments are easily penetrating and absorbed easily and gives good results.
Application of Hapdco Arnica Ointment::
Apply Hapdco Arnica Ointment externally twice daily on clean and dried affected area.

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