LD 71 Reconstituant Drop LDD Bioscience
LD 71 Reconstituant Drop LDD Bioscience
LDD Bioscience Ld 71 Reconstitunat Drops
Lowered reactivity of the body including itching of the skin, oversensitive skin vesicular nodules and other skin diseases which do not respond to any other therapy. It increase reactivity.
Uses of LDD Bioscience Ld 71 Reconstitunat Drops
Itching over the body
Skin eruptions
Action of Ingredients in LDD Bioscience Ld 71 Reconstitunat Drops
Medorrhinum 30x: Intense and incessant itching; worse night and when thinking of it.
Psorinum 30x: Skin symptoms very prominent. Often gives immunity from cold-catching.
Thuja occi 30x: Strengthens the immune system.
Vaccinium Myr 30x: It keeps intestines aseptic and prevents absorption and reinfection.
Dosage of LDD Bioscience Ld 71 Reconstitunat Drops
Take 10 drops in 1/4th cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by your physician.