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Lords L 126 Drops

Lords L 126 Drops

Regular price Rs. 160
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Lords L 126 Heart Drops

Indication of Lords L 126 Heart Drops

Complete Cardiac Care.

Action of Ingredients used in Lords L 126 Heart Drops

Kali carb 3x: Sensation as if heart were suspended. Palpitation and burning in heart region. Weak, rapid pulse; intermits, due to digestive disturbance. 

Kalmia lati. 3x: Fluttering of heart, with anxiety. Palpitation; worse leaning forward. Dyspnea and pressure from epigastrium toward the heart. Sharp pains take away the breath. 

Phosphorus 5x: Violent palpitation with anxiety, while lying on left side. Pulse rapid, small, and soft. Heart dilated, especially right.  

Squilla 2x: A cardiac stimulant affecting the peripheral vessels and coronary arteries. 

Spigelia 6x: Violent palpitation. Precordial pain and great aggravation from movement. Neuralgia extending to arm or both arms. Dyspnea; must lie on right side with head high.  

Strophanthus his 3x: It increases the contractile power of all striped muscles. used with advantage to tone the heart. Hearts action weak, rapid irregular, due to muscular debility; and insufficiency. Cardiac pain.  

Cactus grand 2x: Chest pains, with suffocation, cold sweat, Constriction, very acute pains and stitches in heart, pulse feeble, irregular, quick, without strength. Oppressed breathing as from a weight on chest. Constriction in chest. 

Crataegus ox: Used as a specific remedy for heart complaints. Acts on the heart muscles. Cardiac dropsy, valvular affections with dyspnoea. Cardiac hypertrophy. 

Digitalis pur 3x: Frequent stitches in heart. Irregular heart especially of mitral disease. Very slow pulse. Intermits; weak. Cyanosis. Inequality of pulse; it varies. Sudden sensation as if heart stood still. Pulse weak, and quickened by least movement. 

Dosage of Lords L 126 Heart Drops

10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day.  

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