Mensorine Drops Wheezal - The Homoeopathy Store

Mensorine Drops Wheezal


  • Rs. 117
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Irregular Menstruation

Other Indication

  • Helps to regulate tardy and delayed menses.
  • Functional Amenorrhea in young girls with backache
  • Painful and irregular menstruation

Action of Composition used

  • Gossypium H. Q: Gossypium will relieve tardy menses, especially with sensation that the flow is about to start and yet does not do so. Suppressed menstruation. Menses too watery. Backache, weight and dragging in pelvis. 
  • Senecio A Q: Functional absent menses of young girls with backache. Anemic painful menses with urinary disturbances. Premature and too profuse menses.
  • Pulsatilla N. Q: Helps in suppressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility. Tardy menses. Too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent menses. Useful in amenorrhea.
  • Pinus Lamb. Q: It has an action on the menstrual function, restoring menses when suppressed, removes painful sensations resulting from suppression.
  • Collinsonia Q: Helps in painful menses, Itching over private parts during menses, cold feeling in thighs after menstruation.


10 to 15 drops 3 time in a day or as prescribed by the physician

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