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Rheumacon Oil HAPDCO

Rheumacon Oil HAPDCO

Regular price Rs. 175
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Indication of Reumatone Oil

  • Fast relief from All Muscular pains
  • Sprain, strains, Lumbago
  • Stiffness of joints

Action of Ingredients used in Reumatone Oil

Gaultheria Procumbens(methyl Salicylate): Inflammatory conditions affecting joints, smarting and burning pains.

Arnica Montana: Pain in back and limbs, as if bruised or beaten. Sprained and dislocated feeling. Cannot walk erect, on account of bruised pain in pelvic region.   

Cantharis Mentholum: Burning in soles of feet at night.  

Rhus toxicodendron: Rhus affects fibrous tissue markedly-joints, tendons producing pains and stiffness. pains mostly in cold season. Hot, painful swelling of joints. Rheumatic pains spread over a large surface at nape of neck, loins, and extremities; better motion 

Camphora: Numbness, tingling and coldness. Cracking in joints. Cramps in calves. Complaints that occur during cold season and icy coldness of the extremities.

Directions of use of Hapdco Reumatone Oil

Use locally on effective areas twice or thrice daily, or, massage on whole body. Mix with any oil like mustard oil or almond oil or olive oil or as directed by the physician.

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