Santoninum 3X Lords
Santoninum 3X Lords
Lords Santoninum (Santonine)
Santonin is the favourite anthelmintic of the old school, and it is chiefly against lumbrici worms.
Uses of Lords Santoninum
Lords Santoninum is useful in the cases of Kidney affections, Urine related problems.
Common symptoms of Lords Santoninum
Lords Santoninum is useful for headache, where it is associated with eye complaints.
Important indicated symptoms of Lords Santoninum
- Lords Santoninum is of great value in the medication of worm diseases, as gastro-intestinal irritation, itching of nose, restless sleep, twitching of muscles.
- It helps to expel the worms like Ascaris lumbricoides, and thread worms, (but not tapeworms).
- Black circles around the eyes.
- In children affected with night bed wetting(nocturnal Enuresis), grinding of teeth.
- Feeling of fullness in the bladder is relieved after a dose of santonin.
- Lords Santoninum is an effective remedy for urethral irritation, Retention of urine.
- Irritation and itching of nose associated with worm infections.
Reactions with Lords Santoninum
It is safe to take the tablets even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines. It is safe and has no side effects.
Dosage of Lords Santoninum
Put Lords Santoninum tablets into mouth and allow them to dissolve under the tongue.
Adults and adolescents (12 years and older)2 to 4 tablets,four times daily, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Children (under 12 years)2 tablets twice a day. Do not give to a child with fever or constipation.
In acute cases- a dose every hour or two.In severe painful affections a dose every ten to fifteen minutes.
In chronic affections one to four doses daily.